Toastmastering and Myself

My first visit to Toastmasters meeting was back in 1997 and it was not a planned event. I was being force by my father and that it was one of the many occasions that I had to represent him in any occasions which he did not want to entertain.

I could still remember vividly that the meeting was held in Hilton Kuching and it costs me RM12.00. I must admit that I wasn’t in good mood at the beginning but after the meeting I was admired and inspired by those speakers who could express themselves well in the stage.

At that night there was one young lady who sat opposite of me, I was attracted by her, especially the way she handle herself during her presentation and particularly her smile. That it was the very first time I experienced “Love in First Sight”. I promised to myself that I must get to know her. However, I had no chance to talk to her that night. You Guess What? She was the reason that kept me coming back to many of the Toastmasters meetings.

I owe a lot to Toastmasters, not only it allows me to find my love ones and it also grew me into a better communicator and confident person.

In my life of Toastmastering I have joined 3 Toastmasters Clubs.
In year 1997, I joined Kuching Mandarin Toastmasters Club.
In year 2000, I joined KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club.
In year 2006, I joined Kuching Toastmaster Club.

During the 12 years period of Toastmastering, I had participated in many speech competitions, which took places in Kuching, Miri, KK, Hong Kong, Singapore, KL and Bali of Indonesia and won some trophies, of course. I’m lucky to accomplish my DTM with Kuching Mandarin Toastmasters Club in 2005.

Tonight, this is my fourth round repeating the CC manual. I had completed 2 CC manuals in Mandarin and 1 CC manuals in English.

I have many happiest moments in Toastmastering, including taking part in conventions, meeting old faces and new comers. I have some worst moments as well, including the last year incident when I was the test speaker for the division level speech evaluation; half way through my speech my mind went total black out. That really hurt, for a very long period of time I felt I really could not make speech in English, I am not good in speaking English at all. I was kind of depressing during that time. I tried to be positive, and forced myself to take up the speaking slots, but when Sunday arrived, I surely had many reasons of not to turn up to the meeting and I even though of quitting Kuching Toastmasters Club. Nevertheless, the courtesy calls from our dear members make me damn hard to turn my back to you guys.

So tonight, I’m back to the stage of Kuching Toastmasters Club again, and because I believe that if I want to conquer my fear I have to climb up where I failed, if I want to become a successful person I have to gather with successful people like the members of Kuching Toastmasters Club.

Thanks you, Kuching Toastmasters Club for the support and endurance.

Thank You.


我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...