The Power of Believing

In history, there are many great figures that achieve outstanding success, namely, the Past South Africa President NELSON MANDALA, he had been jailed for many years and eventually he earned the Equal Rights for the Black South African.
The Disney Land founder – Walt Disney, he had bankrupted for few times and yet he eventually made his dream came through and that today the Disney Land franchise are in many continents.
The Greatest Scientist of all time, Thomas Edison, failed thousand of times in the journey of invention but yet he kept on going and created many inventions.

We have read a lot about their success stories and how they turnaround from failures and setback. Have you ever wandered what the reasons are to get these people the guts and the determinations to persistently kept going and fight for the dreams? Are they not afraid of failures or they do not mind of bearing any consequences at all?

From my own understanding, I find that these great gurus they actually do fear of failing, BUT they had practiced the Power of Believing that they believed successes are within their reach.

As according to the great motivator and philosopher Mark Twain stated that “Whenever a person is committed and believes he could realize his goals, and automatically the unlimited flow of motivation and determination will emerge, he will despise of any obstacles and difficulties, even overcoming any life threatening challenges, in order to get his goals actualized.”

Of course, not only these great gurus had the abilities to overcome life challenges, indeed there are many real lives unsung heroes, they can do exactly the same, including of ourselves. We may not have the great mission of life which to rescue the nation or our people, however, so long the goals that we are pursuing are worth value to ourselves, then we may practice the Power of Believing to get your Goals manifest.

As according to the Mark Twain, in order to put the Power of Believing to work, we must practice the 3 F, i.e., Focus, Faith and Following Up.

Let say for an example, we were taking part in a speaking event, regardless of how well prepared we might be, if we kept on worrying we might forget our speech, the audiences might dislike our presentation, so much so that we were not focusing on our presentation but worrying on possibly setback then the end result might be messy.

If this is so, how do we turnaround this situation? We may practice the Power of Believing. First of all, focusing on the message you would like to share and how your speech will benefit the audiences; secondly, have faith in yourself that you will fluently presenting your speech and your audience love your content, at the same time, seek help from the divine power to get you through, and visualizing you will somehow get over it; lastly, Follow-Up – Practicing, practicing, practicing, rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing, believe that you hard work will eventually pay off.

Dear friends, all the material things and the intangible possessions that we currently possess, are the result of our belief. So life to us is basically neutral, its neither good nor bad, but your beliefs make it so. Why not believe all the positive stuffs in your life. Why not believe that life is so wonderful and life will offer you with joyous and happiness. Remember, what you possess today is the result of your belief.



我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...