借钱, 借路, 借烟, 借口, 借过, 借贷等都是我们熟悉的日常活动.
华语中关于借的成语也特别多, 有“借车代步”,“借腹生子”, “借尸还魂”, “借酒消愁”, “借题发挥”,“草船借箭”,“借鸡孵卵”,“借力使力”,“借刀杀人”, “有借有还,在借不难”等等, 都在说明“借” 这个字在我们生活中的重要性.

人, 可以说终其一生都是靠“借”来渡日. 我们是借母胎来到这世上, 借衣物为我们抑寒, 借灯火为我们照明, 借言语来跟人们沟通, 借食物提供身体能量和果腹充饥, 借飞机飞越了地理的限制, 借电话超越了时空, 借房子不必露宿街头, 借冷气可以四季如冬; 还有, 辛辛学子, 借着课本来增广见闻, 借文凭来提供身价; 生意人借贷来搞生意, 银行家借放贷来赚利息; 男女之间, 借花来表达爱意, 借荫暗的角落做2人才做的事; 男的借年龄象征智慧, 女的借化状品隐藏年龄. 这样看起来, 我们都何尝不是在借日子过生活吗? 的确我们什么都是借来的, 唯独太太是自己的.

有句话说“生不带来, 死不带去”. 这正是说我们空手而来, 撒手而去, 这一生一死, 一来一往, 都是两手空空的. 所以, 当双眼一白, 双腿一直, 呼吸一停, 我们也就一命呜呼; 这时我们这皮囊, 也只有皮做皮, 骨做骨, 一切只有归尘土.

荀子在“劝学”中, 这么说道:“借助于车马的人, 并非有利于双脚, 但却可以到达千里之遥; 借助于船只的人, 并非善于游泳, 但却可以横渡大江南北; 有才能的人, 并非与生具来与常不同, 只是善于借助外力罢了.”

不说你不知, 古晋讲演会的历届会长们, 都是借的能手. 他们借助各自的强项和能力, 而当上了会长. 这里, 就让我来数个大家听:
李永祥呀李永祥, 开山劈地勇气佳, 带领群雄打头阵, 成立古晋讲演会;
刘纯强呀刘纯强, 饱读诗书爱作对, 出口成章人人赞, 台上风范待回味;
潘慕娟呀潘慕娟, 文学造诣博精深, 提拔后进她第一, 衷心期待再归队;
陈劲宏呀陈劲宏, 知识渊博多见闻, 演说比赛常胜军, 为人风趣有智慧;
蔡金福呀蔡金福, 好学谦虚又勤恳, 勇夺最佳年度奖, 演说技巧样样会;
曾淑珍呀曾淑珍, 当仁不让领群雄, 用心付出与奉献, 辅导会友相互惠;
邓锦文呀邓锦文, 为人忠厚和正直, 默默努力付耕耘, 赞赏批评无所谓;
魏爱珍呀魏爱珍, 处事果断又利落, 主持会议精准快, 不曾迟到和早退;
郭美兰呀郭美兰, 友善随和人缘佳, 众望所归任会长, 积极创新讲演会.

说实在的, 人们无论是站着, 走着, 跳着, 跑着, 蹲着, 趴着, 爬着, 躺着, 睡着, 都何尝不是天天在借住外物来完成以上的动作? 所以, 我们是跟“借”脱不了关系的. 那既然如此, 我们就要借的得有智慧. 要如何借得有智慧呢? 那就只有: 多借, 多用, 多推敲.

人生是追求理想和幸福的一个不间断过程; 在实现理想的过程中 , “借”对我们人生起了重大的帮助. 问题就在于, 借是提高了你的生活素质? 还是叫你更加堕落? 这里, 我提供给大家有关借的2大基本条件,
1. 事物要有借的必要 ~ 不要轻易伸手借, 除非不借不行, 非借不可, 而且借了明天会更好, 要借.
2. 事物有被借的价值 ~ 借有所值, 借有所用, 最好借来的鸡就快要生蛋, 那就要赶紧的去借.
此外, 再提醒大家有关借的几个重要的要点: 那就是, 借的目的, 借的东西, 借的对象, 借的情况, 借的时机, 借的地点, 借的多寡, 借的方式, 借的手段等等, 都可能深深影响借的结果, 所以借的时候, 务必要细心分析, 反复思考, 三思而行.

总概而论, 借有如水, 可载舟亦可覆舟; 借有如火, 可取暖亦可要小心可别被烧伤.
借的学问, 博大精深, 上至天文, 下至地理, 诉说不尽, 用之不歇. 唯有多借, 多用, 多推敲, 就必然得心应手, 驾轻就熟, 马到功成.



1.选兴趣的事 - 自我表现
2. 选生活的事 - 真心诚意
3.选感动的事 - 激励鼓舞

1.简单的写 - 遣词用字
2.清楚的写 - 中心思想
3.层次的写 - 文章结构

1.有声的讲 - 声调变化
2.无声的讲 - 肢体语言, 活用道具.
3.用心的讲 - 游说劝服, 全面技巧

Only The Negative Survive

Last week, I participated in a speech contest. Two weeks before the contest, I glanced thru the contestants list. I was so confident that I had no problem to be in the top 2 spots. I was extremely positive of being the champion. Thus, I did not prepare my speech until a night before the contest. Then you know what the outcome was? I really earn myself a trophy, but in 3rd place.
Lets look at my counterpart, he though negatively that he would not be able to win the trophy, so he prepared his speech well in advance and looked for helps. Therefore, due to his negativity he took positive action, practiced, polished his presentation skill in order to ensure he would at least get his hand on one of the trophy and he did, he earned himself a champion.
Many gurus have convinced us to think positive. They claim that “Positive thinking will foster positive action and positive accomplishment.” But my experience told me it’s the other way round “Positive thinking will normally foster loosely action and opposite result.”
There are many real life examples that people who think positive get into troubles.
- Road users, think positive that accident will never happened to them, so they drive wild fully.
- Drinkers and smokers think positively little of alcohol and cigarette will do no harm to their body, so they never ready to give up until them losing their health.
- Many businesspersons think positive before into a business. But a survey says they are over 80% of businesses fail, in the first 5 years.
- Tones of credit cards users get into financial crisis, because they positively believe there will be able to earn enough to settle their debts.
- We Malaysian also think positive, the slogan “Malaysia Boleh” has been shouted for over 20 years, but our nation owned enterprises – the air carrier and the car makers, are still living on subsidies.
These examples have shown us positive thinking is no guarantee to positive outcomes.
To me what I belief is “Negative thinking will foster positive action and positive result.” In simple words: “Prepare for the worst and work for the best.”
There are many true examples that people who think negative excel in life.
- Drivers who think negative and fear of accidents take up necessary precautions and drive safely.
- Students who think negative that if they did not score well, they will not be able to get enough credits. So they are serious in their academic accomplishments.
- Warren Buffet thinks negatively about the computing industry, so he invests only in traditional industry, like the beverage company and the furniture company.
- Japanese thinks negatively about having not enough resources in their country, so they are positively look out for resources internationally and to ship back to Japan. Then they sell their products to global market.
So these examples are to prove to you only those who think negative survive.
Frankly speaking I have no objection over positive thinking. Matter of facts I’ve read many books on Positive Mental Attitude authored by the well known motivational speaker the late Norman Vincent Peale.

My argument is to think positive is too narrowing minded. My suggestion to you is when you think positive please think negative as well. Just as the Malaysian well known figure - Billy Lim, the Failure Guru, once said: “Life is part positive and part negative, if you only want just the positive side, it means you are living only part of life.” Therefore, a complete prospective towards life are from both plus and minus sides then the pros and the cons could be balance up and be identified.

To give you some illustrations:
In business, my senior take a negative forecast and I take a positive projection. So when we charge forward we are already prepared for the worst, but we are proactively plan ahead and take positive action to ensure our success.

In relationship, couple needs to positively expecting they will be in love forever and ever lasting, but they need to negatively aware that if they did not treat each other with care and love, there is always possibility of breaking up.

Tonight, right at this moment, I negatively fearing I might not be able to win myself a trophy, but I am positive so long I present my very best, the audience will love it, so do the judges.

In conclusion, Positive Thinking does trigger a person motivation to charge forward and encourage them to live life the fullness. Whereas Negative Thinking creates a sense of anxiety and thus prevention is taken to ensure survival.

My message is clear Positive Thinking will get you ahead and Negative Thinking will ensure you survival at all time. Therefore Lets Prepare for the worst and work for the best.

站起来, 活下去

“一个、两个、三个……”在2008年5月12日四川大地震的施救现场,一个瘦骨如材、一脸憔悴的中年男子坚守在最前线,每当有学生被拯救人员从废墟里抬出时,不管生死他都要上去仔细的看上一眼,念着他们的名字。他,就是学校的老校长康玉龙。当了8年校长, 对学校的每一个学生,他几乎都认识。事发时,刚打响了上课的预备铃声,地震发便生了,4层楼的教学楼在瞬间一下子垮了。有学生成功逃出;有的学生在上体育课,侥幸的避开了倒塌的教室,也有因为迟到的学生,也避开了浩劫。 当中约有100多名师生埋在了教学楼废墟里。“看着他们这样,我真是……”说着说着康校长像个孩子似的哭了起来。就在这次地震中,校长的岳父因房屋垮塌也丧生了。听到这一消息时,他当时只是呆了一下,擦了眼泪,说“知道了”,然后就再次的投入救人的进展。他说,“只要还有一个学生没有救出来,我就不会撤离现场!”


或许,这一场灾难对我们生活在天下太平的马来西亚来说是太遥远了。那就让我们来想想曾经发生在我们身边的一场车祸,或是一场病痛,或是一场生离死别,或是一场生意的失败,或是一次人生的低潮,又抑或是一次可能叫你无法弥补的错误。你是否也曾经反问过自己,为什么你要承受这些痛苦,经历这些伤悲?当事情发生了之后,我们是多么的希望这一切从来都没有发生,我们拒绝接受,尝试逃避, 否认, 埋怨,。。。但毕竟不该发生的事已经是事实了。


是的,我们无法在每一次的生命遭遇中都如愿以偿,我们也无法在每一次的抉择中都做出正确的决定,而是在挫败和犯错后,坦诚面对失败和错误,从失败和错误中改正,再次勇敢的站起来。其实,生命不是要我们活在痛苦中,而是要我们经历痛苦, 来学习对生命谦卑。


有一句话是这么说的:“我们一生下来就注定了死亡,我们每一个人也都要上天堂,但却没有一个人要死。” 生命的遭遇是幸或是不幸,都是生命中的一部分。如果你只要白昼,不要黑夜,你只活了一半;如果你只要快乐,不要悲伤,你只活了一半;如果你只要成功,不要失败,你只活了一半。认识生命的真缔,一步一脚印的勇敢活出活着的每一天。


我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...