The Study of Professional e-Entrepreneur Development (SPeED) Program

SPeED Programs are to focus on mentoring new eEntrepreneurs the hand-on professional knowledge, skill and techniques to achieve a successful career in Score A eLearning Business. These programs are offered in many areas of expertise include:

A. Entrepreneurial Management
• "WAVE 5" for Entrepreneurship
• Strategic Thinking & Decision Making for Entrepreneurs
• Dynamic Personal Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs
• “Money Making Management” (MMM) for Entrepreneurs

B. Leadership Development
• Developing Personality Leadership
• Developing High Performance Human Resource
• Developing High Performance Team Work
• Developing High Performance Marketing and Servicing

C. Professional Skills & Techniques
• Presentation Skills
• Public Speaking Skills
• Selling Techniques
• Recruitment Assessment Techniques

WHY SPeED Programs?
SPeED Programs focus in mentoring and providing New eEntrepreneurs relevant and neccessary Knowledge and Know-How to succeed in Score A Business.

Duration of the Programs?
It is a life long hand-on programs that conduct weekly to allow eEntrepreneurs to advance in the Score A business with Right Mindset and Applicable Plan of Action to get start.

For further details, please kindly contact: or +60168109212.



每个人都在寻找生活上的解决方案. 其中, 绝大部分都是来自于处理眼前急迫的问题, 只能走一步算一步. 那到底是什么急迫的问题要人们马上处理呢? 是生活.

大部分的人都被“生活”推着走, 被生活压的喘不过气来; 是生活夺走了他们的自信, 希望和梦想.

为什么没有自信? 因为大部分人都在做不擅长的事, 不喜欢的事, 不开心的事. 由于害怕改变, 也不知道可以改变, 也因为身边的大部分人在表面上都装得若无其事. 所以既然大部分人的生活都是这样过, 那保持现状也是不错的选择.

久而久之, 希望和梦想就被生活给吞灭没了. 这也就是大部分人的生活写照. 为什么呢? 因为大部分的人都不知道自己擅长什么, 自己要什么, 不要什么, 做什么事最开心, 所以只能随生活逐流. 同时, 也因为被教导, 随遇而安, 知足常乐, 最后大家都变成了煮熟了的青蛙.

当一个人知道他要什么, 不要什么, 擅长什么, 而且也知道自己做什么才会开心, 他自然就会有自信心, 就会想办法去追求自己想过的生活, 而面对生活, 去挑战生活, 超越生活.


今天读了一则理财的文章, 文中提到大部分人在成长的过程中, 都被教育不要乱花钱, 要节省; 然而, 却很少人被教育赚钱的重要性.

作者(郭特利, Optama亚洲区总经理)指出赚钱的重要性更大于节省. 他的理由是縱观全球的富豪, 其财富都通过赚钱(开源)所累积, 而少由节省而成为富豪.

根据作者的发现, 原因在于"节省操之在我, 而赚钱则有不确定性因素." 在此教育传承下, 我们便不知不觉中对开创新事业和赚钱抱持警惕和保守的态度.

最后, 作者指出赚钱是必要的, 因为它代表我们明天的竞争力; 同时, 节流当然也是重要的, 它在我们创业的过程中扮演把持节俭的行为.

Happy Joseph Learn Better.

In general, parents make mistakes in forcing their children to do what they are weak at and stopping their children in doing what they are good at. It seems natural in Asian culture. BUT IT IS WRONG!!!

Let's take my son, JOSEPH, as an example. He is weak in BM, my wife and I will usually force him to go for BM tuition and making sure that he will spend double the time and effort in studying BM.

After one full year of living in miserable life, do you think JOSEPH would do better in BM?
The answer is NO.

It is because we are ignoring JOSEPH's emotional feeling and his capabilities.

As according to Haward Gadner, a Harvard School psycologist, he mentioned in his book "The Frame of Mind" that every kids are different Emotionally & Intelligently.

It is indeed common sense that when we do something that we are really good at, we will feel joyful and happy, in turn we become productive. BUT ironically that my wife and I are forcing JOSEPH to do what he is weak at, definitely he will not perform.

Finally, I realize that my wife and I have to alter our mindset to allow JOSEPH to focus on the subjects that he is strong with, i.e. BC, BI and Math and we encourage him to stretch to the limit to get himself listing in the SCORE A's Nationwide Honor List and he did actually get his name listed for several times.

I can see his learning attitude changed dramatically and his passion in doing the SCORE A e-learning program and even fight against his sister for his turn to do SCORE A.

Dear Readers, you might ask: How about his BM?
My answer to you is: "LET IT BE."

I can assure you that when JOSEPH's momentum in learning starts to move, he will automatically uplift his confident in boosting up his standard in BM.

It is Never Too Late To Live Lively

A friend of mine in his late 50s told me he used to be going around looking for opportunities because his jobs did not provide him with enough income to compensate his monthly expenditures, therefore, multiple streams of income seems logical to him.

With the ever increasing financial burder, he tried out a handful of networking and insurance companies, but things just did not work out for him. For a very long period of time, he kept on asking himself what had gone wrong with him but no solutions were answered.

Until, one fine day, he suddently realize that he was going round with no solid root work in all the things he did previously. Instead of caltivating a seed to grow he would abundant an existing hand on rice bowl for some other new opportunities.

Finally, he decided single mindedly to stick his head in the insurance business and go all out fiercelessly in presenting his case to prospects because he has found his 'STRONG WHY' that insurance is his mission in life.

One final comment he made was live lively and live fullest in life, drive you dream car, eat your dream food, live in your dream home, never surrender for second best in life.

Well, my dear friend did not make it during his previous 50 odd years, but his Never Say Die Attitude that kept him going and eventually landed himself wholeheartedly in insurance.

Is it too late to be enlightened after half a century old?

Dear readers, would you like to be enlightened when you reached half a century old? or you would rather start immediately in working on your 'STRONG WHY' that single mindedly allow you to live lively?


Getting What You Want the NLP Way.

Open your mind’s eyes, in answering the following questions:
1. What does achieve my dream mean to me?
2. What do I see when achieving my dream?
a. Is the image in motion or still?
b. Is the image clear or blur?
c. Is the image closer to you or far away from you?
3. What do I hear when achieving my dream?
a. Do I hear pleasant voices or noisy sound?
b. Do I hear the sound from distance or close to me?
4. What do I feel when achieving my dream?
a. What is the temperature cold or warm?
b. What is the texture of my dream?
c. Do I feel happy or down?
d. Which part of the body do I feel the feeling?
5. What do I smell when achieving my dream?
a. Is my dream fragrance or smelly?
b. Is the smell closer to me or distance away?
6. What do I taste when achieving my dream?
a. Is it sweet or bitter taste?
7. What are the qualities needed to achieve my dream?
8. What is stopping me from achieving my dream?
9. What is the 1st step I need to take in order to achieve my dream?
10. What will happen to my life when achieving my dream?


我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...