Allow Students To Learn At Their Own Pace

It seems normal for teachers to teach in a classroom setting with one standard for all pupils. It is normal BUT is it RIGHT thing to do?

Every student has very different lever of understanding of a subject and also students need time to absord after a subject is being taught. Therefore, allowing students to learn at thier own pace is indeed a way to effective learning.

I encounter a case in KK that a student, Jason, has reading difficulty but his mother is not awared of his learning deficit, and all along she thinks that Jason is lazy and having no interest in study. However, after I show her that Jason is unable to read some very simple characters, then she accepts the fact.

Then I go on encouraging Jason to do 2 sets of paper with 15 questions and with my help of reading out the questions and suprisingly to his mother that Jason scores 80%. For Jason, he is also overwhelmed of how well he performs.

Therefore, allowing students to learn at their own pace is the way to effective learning.



我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...