3 Must Have Minsets about Answering Life Questions.
3 Must Have Mindsets about Answering to Life Questions:
1. Knowing there will be Answers to Every Question in Life; otherwise, it will be considered as the Truth.
2. Allowing yourself Rooms to Fail; you might not get the Right Answer at 1st, but you do gain some Lessons while looking for the Right Answer.
3. Keep Going and Trying and Believing that you will eventually get to the Right Answer.
Remember that do not congest yourself with all the Questions, only tackle one at a time.
(华商网16/09/2012) 中国教育部经过半年多的意见征集和修改,14日教育部网站正式公布了幼儿园、小学及中学教师三大教师专业教育标准,其中均明确提到教师要保护学生生命安全。其中,幼儿园教师标准中提到,幼儿园教师要尊重幼儿人格,维护幼儿合法权益,平等对待每一位幼儿,不讽刺、挖苦、歧视幼儿,不体罚或变相体罚幼儿。教师专业技术标准(试行)文本标准专家组负责人之一、国家教育改革咨询委员会委员顾明远说,不少老师不大懂得尊重孩子,用言语挖苦孩子,甚至体罚孩子,这是不尊重孩子人格的体现,对孩子的成长很不利。小学教师专业标准则要求掌握对小学生进行青春期和性健康教育的知识和方法。
昂山素季在个人自由和家庭幸福上付出的代价。她说 "第一次被软禁时,非常思念远在英格兰的丈夫和孩子,最终,你意识到这样做没有用,所以你停止了思念 。"
她感悟 "如果不能挣脱恐惧的锁链去自由地追求真理,那么愚昧也将难以被驱除 "。
Resilience is All You Need in Adversity.
It's the hard truth: from time to time we’re going to fail. No matter how much we try to outrun or sidestep failure, failure is going to happen. It’s inevitable: no one has limitless wisdom, energy, strength, patience, or resourcefulness. In fact, for most of us, it’s not unusual to have more failure than successes. The trick is to “take the hit,” get back up, and keep going.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (leader during WWII) said, “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
This is easier said than done. How do you maintain enthusiasm when you are exhausted, discouraged, frustrated, or completely alone? How can you do this? Abraham Lincoln’s life was a disaster: he lost his first love to typhoid, was defeated in eight elections, couldn’t get in to law school, and went bankrupt, but in the end he succeeded in winning the presidential election of 1860 and became one of the US greatest presidents.
Resilient people are goal-oriented, which gives them a reason to get back up and keep going in the face of adversity. They don’t give up easily, if ever. Resilient people know their own strengths and they know that they can depend on themselves to do what it takes to get the job done, even if this means going it alone. They also keep a sense of proportion, knowing what is reasonable and what is impossible. The key to success is to decide where you are going, and then keep your eye on your objective. Don’t lose sight of it, and don’t quit. When you stumble, get back up. Don’t let anything discourage you. Keep going until you get there.
With every success, your confidence and commitment will grow. This works every time, no matter what your vocation might be. So be clear on where you are headed, take reasonable risks, and don’t give up on your goals. If you don’t let mistakes paralyze you, you will continue to move forward. This always results in success.
教育不是为了追求眼前的功利和分数导向。它更着重的是提升人类对多元生命涵养的认识, 参与和体验。
老师们和父母亲们, 让我们从多元智能的角度来认识孩子的多元发展出路和发展潜能。
别再为了应付考试的教育思维, 持续的扼杀孩子对多元学习的热情。
加油! TAT快乐家长们!
很多道理我们懂, 却没有去执行;
周弘说: "只要方向正确,就不怕路途遥远。"
博文 (Atom)
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