3 Steps to Successful Sponsoring

There are 3 Steps to Successful Sponsoring(RTM):
1. Build Relationship
To deal with people with sincerity and not just for mere business dealing. People will sense whether are we after thier pocket or are we interested in being part of thier life. It is normal for people to care for themselves more than care for others. However, if we wanted to be successful in people business and networking, we need to learn how to care for people more than for ourselves. As the saying goes "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."

2. Build Trust
People buy all day long. Why people buy because they buy for the benefits. So as a solution provider, we need to be trust worthy. How to be trust worthy? We need to be someone who are professionally equip with relevant knowledge and expertise. Remember, in business world, we are facing fiece challenges from competitors and alternative solution providers. Therefore, if you are not equip with necessary knowledge and people do not see us as a source of solution provider, they will go to someone whom can offer better options to their needs and answers to thier problems.

3. Build Motive
To attract people to join your wagon and work as a team, we need to know what are thier motives, i.e. wants and needs. Usually people need money, but they do not think in term of monetary, instead people think in term of changing current unwanted senarios to better lifestyle. Therefore, in order to move people to change, we need to share about dreams and wanted lifestyle that allow more quality time with family members, more freedom to do what pleases them, less stress in working life and more positive in future outlook. 

With the above 3 Step to Successful Sponsoring (RTM), I do believe anyone could position at the strategic mindset and receptive attitude that achieve effective sponsoring.


教育的目的在于提升孩子生活的知识和办事的能力, 并以建立个人的自信心为目标.

一个有自信的人, 是懂得为自己的人生负责, 选择做自己生命的主人. 赏识教育之倡导人周弘说: "孩子是信出来, 不是打, 不是骂出来的." 神经科专家洪阑教授也说: "父母对孩子的态度, 决定孩子的命运. 尊重孩子使孩子懂得自重, 自重让孩子懂得自爱."

 一个人的自信, 来自于经常做擅长的事, 也既是发挥优势, 展现所长, 扬长避短. 反观, 没有自信是由于长期的被要求做不擅长的事情, 自然就感觉受挫, 挫败感不断的恶性循环, 自然就滋生忧郁的情绪.

人们常说现在的孩子道德败坏, 品行差, 不受教等等. 其实, 问题不在孩子, 是大人没有扮演好自己的角色.

大人们经常不允许孩子用自己的方式学习, 老以为孩子不学, 就是孩子懒惰, 不上进; 但事实恰恰相反, 容许孩子用他们擅长的方法学习效果会更好.

孩子学习有5种的学习类型, 即认知型, 构思型, 触觉型, 视觉型和听觉型. 每一种类型都有不同的学习喜好. 当大人们一味的要孩子通过听和看来学习时, 对触觉型的孩子来说无疑就会被打败, 因为触觉型的孩子需要通过行动的参与才容易上手. 另外, 认知型的孩子, 往往是闹情绪阻碍了能力的发挥, 他们不是没有能力, 只是爱发脾气, 只有动之以情, 他们才会愿意配合来学习. 另外, 构思型的孩子, 需要思考的空间, 并很容易陷入思想的泥沼, 想不通就会钻牛角尖, 想通了才会往下学.

此外, 孩子更有不同强弱度的十大智能, 即语言智能, 数理智能, 人际智能, 自律智能, 空间智能, 律动智能, 操控智能, 音乐智能, 图像智能和观察智能. 到底你的孩子强在那个领域, 又弱在那个领域呢? 所谓天生我才必有用, 真正的天才也就是发挥所长, 扬长避短如此而已.

最后, 我认为大人们应该扮演好以下3种角色:
1. 成为孩子的拉拉队队长 ~ 赏识孩子, 相信孩子会成才, 经常告诉孩子他一定会成功.
2. 成为孩子的伯乐 ~ 发挥优势, 展现所长才是成才之道; 一味的勤能补挫, 只能平庸度日.
3. 成为孩子的情绪出口 ~ 陪伴孩子成长, 需要学习柔软的身段, 不是硬碰硬, 情绪常被压抑的孩子长不大.

孩子都有其独特性, 让孩子们用自己擅长的方法去学习, 以孩子自己的韵律, 注意力和学习速度做学问, 最后每个孩子必定会出人头地.


我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了...