The Power of Believing

In history, there are many great figures that achieve outstanding success, namely, the Past South Africa President NELSON MANDALA, he had been jailed for many years and eventually he earned the Equal Rights for the Black South African.
The Disney Land founder – Walt Disney, he had bankrupted for few times and yet he eventually made his dream came through and that today the Disney Land franchise are in many continents.
The Greatest Scientist of all time, Thomas Edison, failed thousand of times in the journey of invention but yet he kept on going and created many inventions.

We have read a lot about their success stories and how they turnaround from failures and setback. Have you ever wandered what the reasons are to get these people the guts and the determinations to persistently kept going and fight for the dreams? Are they not afraid of failures or they do not mind of bearing any consequences at all?

From my own understanding, I find that these great gurus they actually do fear of failing, BUT they had practiced the Power of Believing that they believed successes are within their reach.

As according to the great motivator and philosopher Mark Twain stated that “Whenever a person is committed and believes he could realize his goals, and automatically the unlimited flow of motivation and determination will emerge, he will despise of any obstacles and difficulties, even overcoming any life threatening challenges, in order to get his goals actualized.”

Of course, not only these great gurus had the abilities to overcome life challenges, indeed there are many real lives unsung heroes, they can do exactly the same, including of ourselves. We may not have the great mission of life which to rescue the nation or our people, however, so long the goals that we are pursuing are worth value to ourselves, then we may practice the Power of Believing to get your Goals manifest.

As according to the Mark Twain, in order to put the Power of Believing to work, we must practice the 3 F, i.e., Focus, Faith and Following Up.

Let say for an example, we were taking part in a speaking event, regardless of how well prepared we might be, if we kept on worrying we might forget our speech, the audiences might dislike our presentation, so much so that we were not focusing on our presentation but worrying on possibly setback then the end result might be messy.

If this is so, how do we turnaround this situation? We may practice the Power of Believing. First of all, focusing on the message you would like to share and how your speech will benefit the audiences; secondly, have faith in yourself that you will fluently presenting your speech and your audience love your content, at the same time, seek help from the divine power to get you through, and visualizing you will somehow get over it; lastly, Follow-Up – Practicing, practicing, practicing, rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing, believe that you hard work will eventually pay off.

Dear friends, all the material things and the intangible possessions that we currently possess, are the result of our belief. So life to us is basically neutral, its neither good nor bad, but your beliefs make it so. Why not believe all the positive stuffs in your life. Why not believe that life is so wonderful and life will offer you with joyous and happiness. Remember, what you possess today is the result of your belief.


a 永遠保住你的顧客——要與他們建立起堅實關係,這是唯一的辦法。請教你的顧客,找出留住他們的方法。要去拜訪顧客、體驗他們日常的狀況,然後致力於確實達成他們的需求,藉以建立忠誠度與滿意度,就這麼簡單。

b 教導顧客成為聰明買家必須知道的事情——也就是關於你產業的門道。當你教導顧客熟悉你所在的產業,就能建立忠誠度。如果你對待現有顧客,能夠一直像是要吸引新的潛在顧客,讓他們選擇買你的商品那樣,他們就會有充分的理由和你繼續往來。相對地,如果你不珍惜顧客,他們當然就會另尋他路。

c 事業創辦人很容易隨著事業逐漸成長而與顧客失去聯繫——因此要特別在行程中排入一些與顧客會面的時間。在你的事業成長之際,你會面臨繁多的急切事務,像是有待解決的突發問題、有待募集的成長資金,以及有待取決的聘雇決定等。你很容易就會身陷其中,而失去與顧客的互動。別讓這種情況發生,要定期親自去拜訪顧客、傾聽他們的需求、親身體驗現況,並追蹤顧客需求有何改變與演進。持續這麼做,你就能掌握顧客的脈動,並且能夠比競爭對手反應更快,這是一件好事;這麼做還有另一項好處,就是你的員工會看見你以身作則。這樣有助於塑造你的企業文化並建立信任,兩者都是非常值得追求的目標。


历史上有许许多多的历史人物, 例如, 前南非总统的曼德拉, 迪斯尼乐园的创办人 - 迪斯尼先生, 大发明家爱迪生等等, 我们对他们如何突破难关, 实现理想的故事都耳熟能详.

我们要思考的是, 这些伟人, 到底是什么原因, 促使他们历尽万苦千辛, 以至面对生死关头, 仍旧一意孤行,为理想奋斗, 坚持和冒险? 难道他们没有想过有失败的可能, 难道他们不怕背负惨痛的生命代价吗?

依我个人的发现是, 他们不是没有想过会有失败的可能性, 而是他们都发挥了“相信的力量”. 根据著名的心理学家马克吐温解释: “当一个人相信所追求的目标的一定会实现时,他必然会有源源不断的行动力和坚持到底的精神, 来克服一切的困难和挫折, 哪怕遭遇生命的危险, 因为他知道付出将不会落空, 理想终将实现.”

当然, 除了这些著名的历史人物以外, 我们生活中也有许许多多的无名英雄, 包括我们自己. 可能我们的理想和目标, 并不是什么救国救民的伟大使命, 但只要是我们自己认为重要的目标, 有意义和有价值的理想, 我们都可以应用相信的力量, 来成就他们.

打个比方, 每当我们要上台演讲之前, 我们都会担心自己不好的表现, 或是观众会有负面的反应. 以至本来就准备得滚瓜烂熟的讲稿, 一站上舞台搞得自己紧张过度, 无法集中精力在演讲, 反而顾虑重重. 因此, 忘稿的情况就会常常发生. 其实, 我们是可以运用“相信的力量”, 相信我们一定会顺利的把演讲给完成, 同时听众们一定会喜欢我们的讲演. 如此, 很自然的抱着轻松自在的心情上台, 也带着从容不迫的态度下台,.

这里, 我要明白的说明“相信的力量”, 并不是要我们刚愎自用, 自以为是的不听他人的劝告, 固执己见.

其实, 发挥“相信的力量”, 必须有3个重要的原则:
1- 清楚的认识你的所要所求目标和理想, 其价值是无法被其他事务所取代的, 而且是值得拥有的.
以我自己的经验来说, 我从小就相信我一定会和心爱的女人结婚, 并共同经营幸福的婚姻生活. 因此, 我便 立下择偶的ABC条件: 条件A. 她必需长的清秀, 5官看起来必须称的上是美女; 条件B. 她必需要懂得做人, 也就是要懂得跟我的家人相处; 条件C. 她必需懂得帮我管钱. 这就是我追求幸福生活的基本条件, 而且是不可被取代.

2- 相信皇天不负有心人, 只要积极耕耘就没有不成功的理由.
我的恋爱史有太多失败的经历. 在中学时期我有了心仪的对象, 她长的美美的, 个子小小, 但是对方没有看上我. 直到去澳洲深造, 我看上了同乡的一位女生, 她名叫JENNY. 有一天晚上, 我提起勇气打了一通电话给她: “喂! 请问JENNY有在吗?” “请等一下.” “喂!” 没有等JENNY回答, 我立即唱出当时后郭富城最经典的成名曲, “我不知道, 为什么这样, 爱情不是我想象, 总是千万遍不停的想你, 不停呼唤你名字, 我是不是该安静的走开, 还是勇敢的留下来.” 我停了下来等待JENNY的答案, 而且我也相信这种以歌传情的方法, JENNY一定会被我给打动. “嗯!JENNY在忙, 没空听电话.” 我出师为敏, 最后这段恋情终究还是没有开始就结束了.
上了大学, 我反倒被一位SINGAPOPORE GIRL追求, 我可以肯定的告诉你们, 只要她一走进这个会场, 我敢保证没有一位男生不多看她一眼. 那我也就和这位SINGAPORE GIRLS渡过了快乐的大学生活.

3- 感恩生命的安排, 相信生命的安排是美好的.
回到了古晋, 可以说是生活弄人, 我跟SINGAPORE GIRL分手了, 因为她要我跟她长住SINGAPORE, 此外, 她还比我更会花钱. 哎! 我成了负心的男人. 当命运把一扇门关掉时, 命运的另一扇门将被开取. 分手之后, 我的真命娘子终于出现在我眼前, 她完全的符合我的择偶的ABC条件, 她就是我的老婆 – 林玲. 而且我们第一见面的地方就是在古晋讲演会. 在我和林玲交往不到3个月, 我就告诉她说: “我们俩是可以生活在一起的.” 她当然是被我吓坏了. 但是我是认真的, 我也清楚的知道, 就是她了, 伴随我共度一生的女人就是她了. 很感恩的是, 我们已经结婚了10年了, 她为我生了3个窝心的孩子, 虽然偶尔也吵吵闹闹, 但我们还是彼此的珍惜对方的.

所以, 来宾朋友们, 请相信我们现在所拥有的一切都是我们自己相信的结果. 也请你相信, 实现理想的过程可能是有波折的, 但只要你所追求的价值不变, 生命会以不同的形式来成就你的理想. 最后, 让我们一同来发挥相信的力量, 相信世界和平, 相信我们的生活今天会比昨天过的更好.


我常问孩子: "老师上课教的都会吗? " 他们可以不经思索的都回应: "会。" 但每每考试成绩就是差强人意。 其实, 我和孩子一样, 都抱持同样的学习态度, 既 "读了几本书, 听了次演讲,上了几堂课, 就以为自对某些课题很了&...